Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Malaria updates in Pakistan

40% of wold population is at risk of Malaria, with nearly 500 million cases and around on million deaths / year, 70 - 80 % of which occur in children under five years old.
Malaria in children has long term effects as it causes Anemia & Malnutrition leading to poor health, poor cognitive development , missed school days, eventually leading to poor social outcome in future.
Cerebral malaria causes death & disability with permanent neurological sequele in 5 - 20% of survivors.
increasing drug resistance has increased malaria morbidity & mortality in recent years despite control measures being available for more than 50 years.
it is imperative that we manage Malaria in children according to standard guidelines recommended by WHO & National Malaria program to provide effective treatment and prevent emergence of drug resistance . As cheaper & effective treatment and prevent emergence of drug resistance . As cheaper & effective drugs like Chloroquine loose their efficacy against Falciparum, and are replaced by costly drugs like ACT , it is even more important to confirm Malaria by M.P or R.D.T before prescribing antimalarial.
However for treatment of suspected Malaria in 5 years children in High risk areas will continue to be treated according to IMNCI Strategy.

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